Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Drawing Style

Elements can be displayed in one of two styles in the Stand-Alone version; GIS style or CAD style.

Using GIS style, the size of element symbols in the drawing pane will remain the same (relative to the screen) regardless of zoom level. Using CAD style, element symbols will appear larger or smaller (relative to the drawing) depending on zoom level.

There is a default Drawing Style that is set on the Global tab of the Options dialog. The drawing style chosen there will be used by all elements by default. Changing the default drawing style will only affect new hydraulic models, not existing ones.

You can change the drawing style used by all of the elements in the hydraulic model, or you can set each element individually to use either drawing style.

To change a single element's drawing style:

  1. Double-click the element in the Element Symbology manager dialog to open the Properties manager.
  2. In the Properties manager, change the value in the Display Style field to the desired setting.

To change the drawing style of all elements:

Click the Drawing Style button in the Element Symbology manager and select the desired drawing style from the submenu that appears.